Elementary Overview
The Elementary program at St. Petersburg Primary School is grounded in research-based best practice. Students expand their skills as they explore engaging and complex units of study with an emphasis on the learning process, rather than simply memorizing content. Play-based learning is active and interactive, giving students opportunities to explore their acquired knowledge through hands-on, engaging projects.
Learning goals are consistent with Florida’s B.E.S.T. K-12 Standards and are embedded in teaching strategies that include personal and group discovery, peer interactions, differentiated instruction, and project based learning. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) is integrated into the monthly thematic studies and students utilize the Media Center for research and presentations.

🧬 Science and Social Studies theme units will guide our students to become independent thinkers who know how to seek knowledge, question and interpret it, and develop conclusions that are evidence-based. In elementary school, reading instruction takes place using Literacy Footprints, ABC Bootcamp and novel studies. Spelling is incorporated into the program as children master their sight words. Singapore Math is the foundation for our mathematics instruction and utilizes a model where students are actively involved in the learning process.
💻 Computer Science enrichment will focus on 21st century skills while using different types of technology; Chromebooks, robots for coding, an ActivPanel and other tools. Students will learn basic keyboarding skills, will explore topics of digital citizenship, elementary digital coding, and begin to learn how to build digital projects and presentations. The lessons will also connect and integrate with classroom themes.
💖 Character development continues into our elementary program, expanding upon the social-emotional skills learned in preschool to include generosity, respect and appreciation for yourself and others, diligence, global citizenship, personal reflection, and a growth mindset.
🎓 Enrichment classes include Physical Education 5 days per week, Art and Music once a week, and Spanish twice per week. Students will also regularly visit the Media Center for research and project-based learning, checking out library books, and computer science class.

Preparing your child for Elementary School
Elementary School is so exciting! The tables and desks are different from preschool. The chairs are apple green instead of wooden. The schedule is filled with new activities such as stations instead of centers, new friends, art and music classes, P.E., a media center, a library where they can check out books, and so much more! Since new situations can sometimes be stressful for children, parents can help ease the situation by preparing their child in the following ways:
Be sure your child has a good night’s sleep and is healthy before arriving at school.
Always speak of going to school as a pleasant, exciting event.
Read books over the summer to keep your child engaged in learning.
Board games are great for family time as well as for remembering how to follow rules, work as a team, handle disappointment and how to win or lose.
Create a summer journal for your child to record their adventures in. They can draw pictures or perhaps get a disposable camera that they have full control over. They can narrate what’s happening in each picture which is great for supporting their writing skills.
Be sure to attend your Meet and Greet appointment. You and your child will get to meet their teacher and visit the classroom.